April 2009. I was on my way home. I've just finished consulting my adviser and lawyer, Atty. Celestino Hilvano with regards to a parking lot dispute, malacious mischief and grave misconduct case I filed against an abusive neighbor. I was so stressed that day. When I saw this brand new Japanese Surplus Shop at Libertad,Pasay along Goldilocks adjacent at the chinese drugstore. to relax i went in curious at what merchandise they were selling that time. The famous jumbo pack of cotton buds from Japan,black,white & pink panty hose and array of dusty (NANLILIMAHID)Japanese pottery some placed in cabinets and industrial shelves,furniture and kitchen utensils. I was being drawn to the left corner aisle of the ukay, at the lower shelf. Sets of dust covered plates,saucers and used metal kitchen utensils nealy arranged.Kneeling down I carefully picked up a plate as I comfortably using my hanky for a mat. Thoroughly inspecting the intricate hand painted design and glazed surface stamp mark and artist signiture. All are contemporary. while was thinking ways on how I can get even my abusive neighbor whose causing stress and disrespect to my Mom & me and our community and what pasalubong should I bring home to my cousins who are currently tending my diaper stall. I fondly recalled my late cousin Paul Kevin Estrada Doctolero's reply when |I inquired on what should I give him when I return home"KAHIT ANO NA LANG PO"(WHAT EVER PASALUBONG),"MERON BA NON? PARAND ANG HIRAP NG GUSTO MO, EH KUNG OATMEAL COOKIES NA LANG NA SING LAKI NG MUKHA MO" I jokingly teased him before I left for the law office meeting.On my way, I saw the "KAHIT ANO SNACKBAR"besides the mineral refilling station. those fond memories brought a secret smile in my heart. when suddenly I saw and instantly fell in love with this 10cm sometsuke imari saucer from the Hirado kiln.
Date:January 15,2011. Imari Saucer 17th century with cryptic haiku.
I am now able to read katakana,hiragana and some kanji. My last school day January 7,2011.Our certificate awarding ceremony was on the 21st. Life was pretty normal. I'm still tinkering with my oriental arts and antique collection,rubbing there glazes.Using my ever dependable lighter flashlight and flourescent lamp for the transluminance testing on the 4th floor. Finished reading and rereading Tony Perez,Jaime Licauco and Michael Gruber's "Book of Air and Shadows.Writing and rewriting my blogdraft and brainstorming 2-3 tgimes a week of my ukay-ukay expediton if something is worthy to buy and my daily visit at my Jakes Internet Cafe. January 15 is cousin Aiko Michelle's birthday she is my Japina cousin now living and studying in Shizouka Ken, Japan. she was born on January 15,1999 if you will consider the Gregorian calendar if of adding a 100yrs or a century with regards to the leap year she is really born on year 2 millenia(correct me if I'm wrong). She is really born on the year of the dragon.1999 is really year 2,000.
If you will literally invert the the 1999 it will be !999 for the religious chicken little means the dread and fear. As in the number of the beast in Revelation13:18"Here is wisdom,
Let him that hath Understanding
count the number of the beast
for it is the Number of a Man
and his number is six hundred and sixty six (166p 2nd paragraph Excerpt from Secharia Zitchin)
The passage deals with Messianic expectations the downfall of evil and it's after math of a second coming, the return of the kingdom of heaven on earth. countless attempts have been made over over the millenia to decipher the numerical code"666" and thus understand the prophecy. the number clearly appear in the early manuscript (Greek) manuscript of the book whose full title is The Gospel According to St. John which begins with the statement "In the beginning was the word and the word was with God,and the word was God" and which is filled numerical differences.Using the numerical values of the Greek letter(which follow closely the Hebrew arrangement) and the netcode s of Gematria, it has been suggested that the beast was the evil Roman empire because because the numerical value of LATEINOS was 666. (The empire was mostly made up of military soldiers.Known for plundering ,pillaging and conquest of other empire.Blog author's own iota).Other's have suggested thatthe numerical value code meant was the evil Emperor himself (TRAJAN) whose middle name was ULPIOS also added up numerically rendered to 666. Still another suggestion was that the code was in Hebrew standing for Neron Qesar ("Nero the Emperor")whose Hebrew spelling N-R-W-N+Q-S-R also added up to the 666,and so on(also the VICARIUS FILI DEI ON THE POPE'S TRIPLE CROWN AS THE VICAR OR REPRESENTATIVE OF THE SON OF GOD, IN TAROT NUMEROLOGY 6 REPRESENTS THE LOVER'S OR CHOICE BEAUTY AND NUMBER OF THE GODDESS VENUS ATBASH AND ENCULTURATION VIRGIN MARY,3x6=18, 1+8=9 HERMIT WHICH STANDS FOR WISDOM WITH A NUMERICAL SERIES OF 3,6,9 IN REFERENCE WITH THE FIBONACCI AND GOLDEN RATIO IS ALSO A COMBINATION OF THE NUMERICAL COMBINATION OF THE TALISMAN OF THE SUN WIDELY USED AS A TALISMAN IN THE MIDDLE AGES UP TO THE PRESENT TIMES ALSO A BASIS FOR OUR NATIONAL HERO JOSE RIZAL'S PENCHANT FOR MASONRY AND INCLUDING NUMEROLOGY HE WON LOTTERY USING THIS NUMERICAL TALISMAN, P20,000.00)In variety of Gematria approaches both using straight addition as well as triangulation methods. the Possibility that the encoded secret of the "666" is to be uncovered in Hebrew rather than Greek or roman word meanings might well be the key to finally recovering the enigma.The enigma. We find that 660 in Hebrew is the numerical equivalent of SeTer a hidden thing, aan occult mystery, it was employed in the Bible in connection with divine Wisdomand understanding that were hidden and ocusted from Man. to make it 666,the letter Wav(=6) has to be added changing the meaning from a"secret" to "his secret"; SiTRO,"his hidden thing". Some find this rendition of his secret to describe a "watery darkness" where the Celestial Battle with Tiamat is recalled: The Earth shook and trembled The foundation of the hills were shaken there went up in smoke from his nostrils a a devouring fire out of his mouth He made darkness his secret by watery darkness and celestial clouds Psalm18:8-12(p168,Zecharia Sitchin ,The Comic Code).there are repeated reference s in the Bible to that Celestial Battle, which in Mesopotamian Epic of Creation took place between Nibiru/Marduk and Tiamat, and in the Bible between Yahweh(SEMITIC-ARABIC TRANSLATION "STORM GOD"IN PRIMORDIAL FORM OF NUMEROUS GIGANTIC TORNADOES WHICH USUALLY OCCURS IN DESERT, WIND HOWLING YAH-WEH) as the Primeval creator of and Tehom a "watery deep", Tehom/Tiamat was sometimes spoken of as Rahab, "the haughty one," or rendered with an inversion of the letters RaBaH("the great one")instead of RaHab. the wording in Psalm18 in which, the Judgement of Yahweh "on the last generation are prophesied and described as a time when "Smoke shall go up[ from the nostrils of God. that time of the final counting is often referred to in the Bible by the adverb Az-"Then," at the particular future time. If the Author of revelation, as is evident, also in mind the AZ, that "then" at the time of the Last Generation, when the Lord shall reappear as He had when Heaven and Earth were created at the time of the battle with Tehom Rabah(a term used in combination in Amos 7:4,Psalm 36:7,Isaiah5:10), then a numerical approach to the enigma of the "666" would suggest that the Book of Revelation was speaking of the return of the Celestial Lord in re-enacment of the Celestial Battle,for the sum total of the numerical Az + Tehom+RaBah is 666. One of the rare discovered instances where where the "6" was revealed as a divine rank was in tablet that was put together by Alaisdain Livingstone in Mytical & Mythological Explanatory works of Assyrian and Babylonian Scholars core of the problem ,bureaucratic mandatory on the proper imposition of the laws that they paved the reconstructed tablet which bear admonition regarding the undisclosable secrets it contains begins with 60 as the rank of "the preeminent God,father of the Gods and then,in a separate column reveal his identity: Anu. Followed by Enlil(50),Ea/Enki(40),Sin(30)and Shamash(20),it lists Adad, the "god of rain and thunders,"6". As the listing continous on the observe as well as for the reverse sides,it list "600" as the secret number of the Anunnaki.What emerge from the Mesopotamian tablet regards the secret numbers of the Gods may well have the key to finally solving the mystery of "666" by looking at it as a Sumerian-based encoding: 600 The Anunnaki,"Those who From Heaven to Earth Came"
60 Anu,their supreme ruler
6 Adad,one of the Gods who teach,instructs
666="Here is Wisdom",counted by him who has understanding
For me it means technology since the foundation of nay computer program is the numerical ASCII Codes with a grand total 666 and the Sumerian-Babylonian concept of time 60 seconds in 1minute,60 minutes in 1hour,division of night and day 6am and 6pm 24 hours in 1 day; 2+4+6. Now we have 66666 = 30 days for lunar month calendar no leap year which were incorporated in the Julian and Gregorian Calendar .If we add another 6 it will be 666666=36 in numerology 3+6=9 completion followed by 0 which also means 360 or perfect radius of a circle.
If you will literally invert the the 1999 it will be !999 for the religious chicken little means the dread and fear. As in the number of the beast in Revelation13:18"Here is wisdom,
Let him that hath Understanding
count the number of the beast
for it is the Number of a Man
and his number is six hundred and sixty six (166p 2nd paragraph Excerpt from Secharia Zitchin)
The passage deals with Messianic expectations the downfall of evil and it's after math of a second coming, the return of the kingdom of heaven on earth. countless attempts have been made over over the millenia to decipher the numerical code"666" and thus understand the prophecy. the number clearly appear in the early manuscript (Greek) manuscript of the book whose full title is The Gospel According to St. John which begins with the statement "In the beginning was the word and the word was with God,and the word was God" and which is filled numerical differences.Using the numerical values of the Greek letter(which follow closely the Hebrew arrangement) and the netcode s of Gematria, it has been suggested that the beast was the evil Roman empire because because the numerical value of LATEINOS was 666. (The empire was mostly made up of military soldiers.Known for plundering ,pillaging and conquest of other empire.Blog author's own iota).Other's have suggested thatthe numerical value code meant was the evil Emperor himself (TRAJAN) whose middle name was ULPIOS also added up numerically rendered to 666. Still another suggestion was that the code was in Hebrew standing for Neron Qesar ("Nero the Emperor")whose Hebrew spelling N-R-W-N+Q-S-R also added up to the 666,and so on(also the VICARIUS FILI DEI ON THE POPE'S TRIPLE CROWN AS THE VICAR OR REPRESENTATIVE OF THE SON OF GOD, IN TAROT NUMEROLOGY 6 REPRESENTS THE LOVER'S OR CHOICE BEAUTY AND NUMBER OF THE GODDESS VENUS ATBASH AND ENCULTURATION VIRGIN MARY,3x6=18, 1+8=9 HERMIT WHICH STANDS FOR WISDOM WITH A NUMERICAL SERIES OF 3,6,9 IN REFERENCE WITH THE FIBONACCI AND GOLDEN RATIO IS ALSO A COMBINATION OF THE NUMERICAL COMBINATION OF THE TALISMAN OF THE SUN WIDELY USED AS A TALISMAN IN THE MIDDLE AGES UP TO THE PRESENT TIMES ALSO A BASIS FOR OUR NATIONAL HERO JOSE RIZAL'S PENCHANT FOR MASONRY AND INCLUDING NUMEROLOGY HE WON LOTTERY USING THIS NUMERICAL TALISMAN, P20,000.00)In variety of Gematria approaches both using straight addition as well as triangulation methods. the Possibility that the encoded secret of the "666" is to be uncovered in Hebrew rather than Greek or roman word meanings might well be the key to finally recovering the enigma.The enigma. We find that 660 in Hebrew is the numerical equivalent of SeTer a hidden thing, aan occult mystery, it was employed in the Bible in connection with divine Wisdomand understanding that were hidden and ocusted from Man. to make it 666,the letter Wav(=6) has to be added changing the meaning from a"secret" to "his secret"; SiTRO,"his hidden thing". Some find this rendition of his secret to describe a "watery darkness" where the Celestial Battle with Tiamat is recalled: The Earth shook and trembled The foundation of the hills were shaken there went up in smoke from his nostrils a a devouring fire out of his mouth He made darkness his secret by watery darkness and celestial clouds Psalm18:8-12(p168,Zecharia Sitchin ,The Comic Code).there are repeated reference s in the Bible to that Celestial Battle, which in Mesopotamian Epic of Creation took place between Nibiru/Marduk and Tiamat, and in the Bible between Yahweh(SEMITIC-ARABIC TRANSLATION "STORM GOD"IN PRIMORDIAL FORM OF NUMEROUS GIGANTIC TORNADOES WHICH USUALLY OCCURS IN DESERT, WIND HOWLING YAH-WEH) as the Primeval creator of and Tehom a "watery deep", Tehom/Tiamat was sometimes spoken of as Rahab, "the haughty one," or rendered with an inversion of the letters RaBaH("the great one")instead of RaHab. the wording in Psalm18 in which, the Judgement of Yahweh "on the last generation are prophesied and described as a time when "Smoke shall go up[ from the nostrils of God. that time of the final counting is often referred to in the Bible by the adverb Az-"Then," at the particular future time. If the Author of revelation, as is evident, also in mind the AZ, that "then" at the time of the Last Generation, when the Lord shall reappear as He had when Heaven and Earth were created at the time of the battle with Tehom Rabah(a term used in combination in Amos 7:4,Psalm 36:7,Isaiah5:10), then a numerical approach to the enigma of the "666" would suggest that the Book of Revelation was speaking of the return of the Celestial Lord in re-enacment of the Celestial Battle,for the sum total of the numerical Az + Tehom+RaBah is 666. One of the rare discovered instances where where the "6" was revealed as a divine rank was in tablet that was put together by Alaisdain Livingstone in Mytical & Mythological Explanatory works of Assyrian and Babylonian Scholars core of the problem ,bureaucratic mandatory on the proper imposition of the laws that they paved the reconstructed tablet which bear admonition regarding the undisclosable secrets it contains begins with 60 as the rank of "the preeminent God,father of the Gods and then,in a separate column reveal his identity: Anu. Followed by Enlil(50),Ea/Enki(40),Sin(30)and Shamash(20),it lists Adad, the "god of rain and thunders,"6". As the listing continous on the observe as well as for the reverse sides,it list "600" as the secret number of the Anunnaki.What emerge from the Mesopotamian tablet regards the secret numbers of the Gods may well have the key to finally solving the mystery of "666" by looking at it as a Sumerian-based encoding: 600 The Anunnaki,"Those who From Heaven to Earth Came"
60 Anu,their supreme ruler
6 Adad,one of the Gods who teach,instructs
666="Here is Wisdom",counted by him who has understanding
For me it means technology since the foundation of nay computer program is the numerical ASCII Codes with a grand total 666 and the Sumerian-Babylonian concept of time 60 seconds in 1minute,60 minutes in 1hour,division of night and day 6am and 6pm 24 hours in 1 day; 2+4+6. Now we have 66666 = 30 days for lunar month calendar no leap year which were incorporated in the Julian and Gregorian Calendar .If we add another 6 it will be 666666=36 in numerology 3+6=9 completion followed by 0 which also means 360 or perfect radius of a circle.
Babylonian | Jewish | Persian | Julian calendar | ||
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As for the Hirado sometsuke saucer which I instantly fell
inlove with, I was curious at the Kanji, Hiragana and
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Julian calendar |
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As for the Hirado sometsuke saucer which I instantly fell inlove with, I was curious at the Kanji, Hiragana and Katakana script as we all know Hirado is well known for there handpainted landscapes with Haiku what strikes my curiosity the most is that traditional haiku's have only 17 words 5,7,5 per words arrangement. this one is unique the Haiku consists of an octagonal pattern ,14 words with a 3,4,4,3 the last line from the first line was transalated as 3things most like and the last word from the last line translated as 1 inbetween 2 Japanese characters when put numerically translated it stands for number 2 giving a numerical combination of 1,2,3!
the combined kanji next to the "3things most loved" is a yama hoteikabandesu" translated is in the mountain the treasure is buried underneath, the kanji of
山 yama,treasure bag in literal illustration is common in japanese pottery during the late edo-early meiji.During the time of chaos in Japan before the restoration period and rail track era.the most common is the fu in "furimas" while bathing and ofurimas with a B like kanji followed by the treasure bag widely use as part of the 100 kanjis contemporary.When the haiku is traced in accordance withthe positon of the japanese character it will form a 3 mountin slopes. The it will exactly tell the location of the treasure
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